Advanced Communication Designs
We research, analyze, assess, and evaluate communication patterns and behavior
About Us Two pioneering women with IBM Selectrics founded Adcom Designs back in 1980. We’ve helped professionals save time, improve results, and create stronger organizations ever since.

We call the San Francisco Bay Area home, but we’ve gained experience and insight from working with a wide range of businesses across the US and Asia. Being nimble has kept our firm relevant throughout tectonic shifts in technology and the economy.

By focusing on communication skills, our clients build better relationships at all levels — between coworkers, clients, and customers. And that’s where we come in; we focus on ​f​ront-​end inquiry​ and assessment; ​development and delivery of​ relevant, engaging experiences and tools​; and comprehensive analysis and measurement to quantify service and program ROI.

Our projects range from week- or month-long assignments to cross-functional, multi-year, multi-region engagements.

  • Organizational development
  • Learning and training
  • Policy and government Affairs
  • Human resources
  • Change management
  • Communication and marketing
  • Organizational advancement
We deliver training, coaching, webinars, and blended solutions. All workshops are customized, please drop us a line! Get in Touch
Get Connected We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.
Location cd988d11dd7131a37f27fd106e92e0577af62149b105014467a3799f10b0fac8 Visit us San Francisco Bay Area
Mail 8a5cce786f972f4b0534f7aab88cac78d61fc84aa698c0deae68f7045f15ca44 Mail us
Phone 9b9504df57aad62ad1668535c0eccb31e6fc444b126ef50f1e292c2300458da4 Call us (510) 655-6477